Shell : Power of Sport
Shell had an amazing story to tell in the rebuilding of a soccer field in a favela in Rio. But not only did they rebuild the field, they did so with energy generating tiles, that would generate electricity as kids played. To tell the story properly and to show the impact it had on the community, we shot three short films, one from the perspective of the innovator of the tiles, two from the perspective of the community leader and three from the perspective of Helen, one of the kids from the favela. We also created a custom print campaign capturing the story as well. And was recognized with a Bronze Cannes Lion.
Lead team and project from pre-sale to production. Personally oversaw the execution of photo and video shoots on location. Approved all layouts, selects and edits.
Designers: Mark Rolli, Chelsea Ness, Peter Wise, Producer: Sasha Smyslova, Copywriter: Katy Brennan